Understanding and Improving Diagnostic Safety in Ambulatory Care: Strategies and Interventions (R18 Research Demonstration and Dissemination Projects)

Aug 11,2017 | Consortium_staff Funding Opportunities

Posted by: AHRQ (PA-15-179)
Post date: April 8, 2015
Due date(s): Standard due dates for R18 (Jan. 25, May 25, Sep. 25)
Expiration date: September 26, 2018

Despite the growing interest and rapid pace of recent achievements, not much is known with a high degree of confidence about the strategies and interventions that might reduce diagnostic failures and patient harms or enhance the resilience and safety of diagnostic work. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) solicits applications from research institutions and their investigators to conduct Health Services Research Demonstration and Dissemination Projects (R18) to evaluate strategies and interventions for reducing diagnostic failures and patient harms, including approaches that enable organizations, providers and patients to better anticipate emerging diagnostic risk before failure and harm occurs.

Read PA-15-179 for more information.