Targeted Implementation Science to Achieve 90/90/90 Goals for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment (R21 Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant)

Mar 7,2017 | Consortium_staff Funding Opportunities

Posted by: NIH (PA-18-280)
Post date: November 29, 2017
Open date: April 7, 2018
Letter of Intent (LOI) due dates: 30 days prior to the application due date
Due date: Standard due dates for AIDS-related applications (May 7, Sep 7, Jan 7)
Expiration date: January 8, 2020

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages implementation research projects designed in partnership with global and domestic service providers, to target the particular needs in the selected community, to achieve the 90/90/90 HIV prevention and treatment targets identified by HIV/AIDS global leadership. The targets for HIV testing are that 90% of all persons living with HIV know their status, for treatment initiation that 90% of those diagnosed receive timely and effective antiretroviral treatment (ART), and for optimal treatment and preventive benefit that 90% of those on treatment achieve sustained viral suppression.

PA-18-280 uses the R01 grant mechanism while PA-18-279 uses the R21 mechanism. High risk/high payoff projects that lack preliminary data or utilize existing data may be most appropriate for the R21 mechanism, while applicants with preliminary data and/or include longitudinal analysis may wish to apply using the R01 mechanism.

PA-18-280 is a reissue of PA-17-195 for due donates on or after January 25, 2018.

Read PA-18-280 for more information.