RE-AIM Planning Tool
The RE-AIM framework is an evaluation framework designed to enhance the quality, speed, and public health impact of efforts to translate research into practice. In the RE-AIM framework, there are five dimensions along which to evaluate the translatability and public health impact of interventions:
- Reach your intended target population
- Efficacy or effectiveness
- Adoption by target staff, settings, or institutions
- Implementation consistency, costs and adaptations made during delivery
- Maintenance of intervention effects in individuals and settings over time
The planning tool is designed to help interested individuals across various sectors think through the dimensions of the RE-AIM framework in an iterative way and includes important questions to ask while planning or evaluating an initiative. The brief questions are designed to determine your confidence in achieving each element of the 5 dimensions of the RE-AIM framework.
Visit to learn more about the RE-AIM framework and the Planning Tool.