Call for papers for Addictive Behaviors Special Issue on “Improving the Implementation of Quantitative Methods in Addiction Research”

Dec 15,2017 | Consortium_staff Call for Papers

Due date: March 31, 2018

Addictive Behaviors is now accepting submissions for a special issue titled Improving the Implementation of Quantitative Methods in Addiction Research. This proposed series aims to lessen the research-to-practice gap in quantitative methods for addictions research. In general, submissions should present research focused on how to improve the practice of commonly used statistical models in applied research on addictions.

Original research submissions, methodological papers, and review papers will be considered. Examples of potential topics include:

  • Reviews of analytic, data collection, or visualization methods, or reporting practices, highlighting common problems and providing “best practice” solutions.
  • Research on factors that influence the implementation of empirically supported methodological practices in addictions research.
  • Presentation of data analytic tools, applications, or functions that improve the analysis or presentation of data in the addiction field.
  • Methodological or statistical improvements for common statistical models, with instructions for use and demonstration of substantive utility.
  • Illustration of optimal methods for testing statistical models (e.g., “fidelity checklists” for data analysis, common problems encountered when applying a specific analytic model and potential solutions).
  • Illustration of different analytic approaches to similar questions (i.e. latent growth curve vs. growth mixture model vs. latent difference score models) and discussion of substantive/methodological costs and benefits of each.

The deadline for manuscript submission is March 31, 2018. All submissions must adhere to journal guidelines and will undergo peer review.

Authors are encouraged to submit a brief letter of intent to the Guest Editors, Kevin King ( and Kristina Jackson (, prior to submitting a manuscript to ensure their topic fits within the scope of the special issue.

Review the full Call for Papers for additional information.