How well is interdependent care managed across specialties in breast cancer? Metrics and pre-implementation data from the 4R in Oncology
NCI Healthcare Teams Cyber Discussion Series Date(s): March 30, 2018, 12:00-1:00pm ET Presenters: Christine Weldon, Julia Trossman
As part of the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Healthcare Teams Cyber Discussion Series, Christine Weldon and Dr. Julia Trossman will present “How well is interdependent care managed across specialties in breast cancer? Metrics and pre-implementation data from the 4R in Oncology Project.” During the discussion session, participants will engage via a chat function to respond, comment, and pose additional questions for consideration.
Researchers at all levels of career and education, as well as practitioners and caregivers, are welcome to participate to learn more about behavioral influences upon cancer care, and join the dialogue on improving health through cancer care delivery.
The Cyber Discussion sessions, including the message board discussions, will be recorded and archived for later viewing.
Visit the website to learn more and to register.