Improving the Design and Application of Implementation Strategies
Prevention Science & Methodology Group Virtual Grand Rounds
Date(s): May 1, 2018
Presented by: Byron J. Powell
As part of the Prevention Science & Methodology Group (PSMG)’s Virtual Grand Rounds, Byron J. Powell, PhD (Assistant Professor, Health Policy and Management, University of North Carolina’s Gillings School of Global Public Health) presented on Improving the Design and Application of Implementation Strategies.
Effective implementation often requires the use of multifaceted, multilevel implementation strategies given the myriad barriers to delivering evidence-based practices in community settings. Ideally, the design of implementation strategies would be guided by theory, evidence, and pragmatic input from relevant stakeholders; however, methods to guide the application of implementation strategies are not well developed. There is a clear need for rigorous and practical methods to guide stakeholders in the identification, selection, and tailoring of implementation strategies for their contexts.
This presentation included an overview of emerging approaches to the design and application of implementation strategies, a discussion of key priorities for the field, and an introduction to a study focused on developing and piloting a novel method for tailoring implementation strategies to specific contexts.
All PSMG Virtual Grand Rounds presentations are archived and are available online.