May 2020 Commentary: Reflections on Adaptations

May 29,2020 | Sara Jacobs Commentary

We hope this month that everyone is staying well, both mentally and physically, as life continues to plod on in this new world. This month I took a few moments to reflect on how relevant implementation science principles have become as our outer context has shifted. We have all had to figure out how to adapt our daily practices and procedures, while trying to ensure fidelity the best we can. We have had to weigh the feasibility of implementing these new practices. Our inner settings have become more prominent than ever with not only all the time now spent in them, but also the influx of new co-workers, several under the age of 5 at my house, that each bring their own sets of unique characteristics to the environment.  

This month’s newsletter also reflects adaptations made in response to our change in outer setting, in that many of the in-person conferences haven been moved to virtual meetings. In addition, the UNC Institute on Implementation Science is hosting a virtual session discussing implementation practice, skills and competencies and supporting implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is also a workshop run by international experts from the Wandersman Center and The Center for Implementation on understanding the ways to reduce barriers and friction to implementing programs, policies, and/or processes in light of current changes. In addition, there are many other resources out there to help guide implementation science practice in the time of COVID-19.

Hopefully, we will look back at this time in the not too distant future and can appreciate the silver linings. Although it feels a little too real now, this time will also be incredibly interesting to study and to understand what changes were permanently made to the health care system. 

Please continue to stay safe and sane!