Director, Division of Practice Improvement in the Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Jul 28,2022 | Consortium_staff Job Opportunities

AHRQ is recruiting a Director for the Division of Practice Improvement (DPI) to lead research and implementation activities related to practice and systems improvement. The Director will supervise a staff of highly skilled professionals and plan, direct and execute all Division operations. The Director will cultivate partnerships to support the work of the Division, and represent the Agency on national and international committees, panels, and workgroups.  Come join them to provide experience managing, directing, and leading scientific research studies or projects associated with health care delivery and quality and implementing evidence in practice. Candidates should also have expertise and leadership in the design, implementation and evaluation of projects related to practice and systems improvement. See below for vacancy announcements.

AHRQ’s mission is to produce evidence to make health care safer, higher quality, more accessible, equitable, and affordable, and to work within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and with other partners to make sure that the evidence is understood and used. The Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement generates new knowledge, synthesizes evidence, translates science on what works in health and healthcare delivery, and catalyzes practice improvement across healthcare settings.

For more information about this exciting opportunity at AHRQ and to apply, please visit USA Jobs.

Physicians:  AHRQ-CEPI-22-DH-11558280 (closing August 23)

Non-physicians:  AHRQ-CEPI-22-DE-11562003 (closing August 15)

                            AHRQ-CEPI-22-MP-11562004 (closing August 15)

If interested in this position, please contact: Patrick O’Malley

Email:  Patrick.O’