Article Focus: Experimental Design
Rapid Dissemination of a COVID-19 Airway Management Simulation Using a Train-the-Trainers Curriculum
Jun 7,2021 | lindseek
Implementation of a workplace physical activity intervention in child care: process evaluation results from the Care2BWell trial
Jun 7,2021 | lindseek
Fostering MOUD use in justice populations: Assessing the comparative effectiveness of two favored implementation strategies to increase MOUD use
Jun 7,2021 | lindseek
A cluster randomized stepped-wedge trial to de-implement unnecessary post-operative antibiotics in children: the optimizing perioperative antibiotic in children (OPerAtiC) trial
Jun 7,2021 | lindseek
Translating evidence-based behavioral weight loss into a multi-level, community intervention within a community-based participatory research framework: the Wellness Engagement (WE) Project
Jun 7,2021 | lindseek
A quality-improvement optimization pilot of BariFit, a mobile health intervention to promote physical activity after bariatric surgery
Jun 7,2021 | lindseek
Implementation of a teacher-led mindfulness program in a low-income pre- and early-elementary school as part of a trauma-responsive, resilience-building community initiative
Jun 7,2021 | lindseek
Effectiveness of a multifaceted intervention to improve emergency department care of low back pain: a stepped-wedge, cluster-randomised trial
Jun 7,2021 | lindseek
Improving peripherally inserted central catheter appropriateness and reducing device-related complications: a quasiexperimental study in 52 Michigan hospitals
Jun 7,2021 | lindseek
Virtual learning collaboratives to improve urine culturing and antibiotic prescribing in long-term care: controlled before-and-after study
Jun 7,2021 | lindseek