Article Focus: Theory/Frameworks/Taxonomies
Application of discrete choice experiments to enhance stakeholder engagement as a strategy for advancing implementation: a systematic review
Jan 18,2018 | lindseek
“Scaling-out” evidence-based interventions to new populations or new health care delivery systems
Jan 16,2018 | lindseek
Development of a framework for the co-production and prototyping of public health interventions
Jan 16,2018 | lindseek
Architectural frameworks: defining the structures for implementing learning health systems
Jan 4,2018 | lindseek
Barriers and facilitators to reducing frequent laboratory testing for patients who are stable on warfarin: a mixed methods study of de-implementation in five anticoagulation clinics
Jan 4,2018 | lindseek
Optimising the value of the evidence generated in implementation science: the use of ontologies to address the challenges
Dec 15,2017 | lindseek
Criteria for selecting implementation science theories and frameworks: results from an international survey
Dec 15,2017 | lindseek
Beyond “implementation strategies”: classifying the full range of strategies used in implementation science and practice
Dec 15,2017 | lindseek
Beyond Adoption: A New Framework for Theorizing and Evaluating Nonadoption, Abandonment, and Challenges to the Scale-Up, Spread, and Sustainability of Health and Care Technologies
Dec 15,2017 | lindseek
Developing a comprehensive definition of sustainability
Oct 11,2017 | lindseek