Article Type: Primary Research
Successes and challenges of implementing a lung cancer screening program in federally qualified health centers: a qualitative analysis using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research
Jul 27,2021 | lindseek
Implementation determinants and mechanisms for the prevention and treatment of adolescent HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: concept mapping of the NIH Fogarty International Center Adolescent HIV Implementation Science Alliance (AHISA) initiative
Jul 27,2021 | lindseek
A cluster randomized controlled trial comparing Virtual Learning Collaborative and Technical Assistance strategies to implement an early palliative care program for patients with advanced cancer and their caregivers: a study protocol
Jun 7,2021 | lindseek
A stepped wedge cluster randomized control trial to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of optimized initiatives in improving quality of care for ST segment elevation myocardial infarction in response to the COVID-19 outbreak
Jun 7,2021 | lindseek
Our Choice improves use of safer conception methods among HIV serodiscordant couples in Uganda: a cluster randomized controlled trial evaluating two implementation approaches
Jun 7,2021 | lindseek
Overcoming Barriers to Walk With Ease Implementation in Community Organizations
Jun 7,2021 | lindseek
Probation Officers’ and Supervisors’ Perspectives on Critical Resources for Implementing Specialty Mental Health Probation
Jun 7,2021 | lindseek
Strengthening healthcare providers’ capacity for safe abortion and post-abortion care services in humanitarian settings: lessons learned from the clinical outreach refresher training model (S-CORT) in Uganda, Nigeria, and the Democratic Republic of Congo
Jun 7,2021 | lindseek
Implementation Adherence and Perspectives of the Childcare PhysicaL ActivitY (PLAY) Policy: A Process Evaluation
Jun 7,2021 | lindseek
Barriers and Facilitators to Effective Implementation of the NAMWEZA Intervention in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Jun 7,2021 | lindseek