Article Type: Protocol
A mobile cesarean birth center as a solution to improve access to surgical birth in rural Ethiopia: a mixed methods research protocol
Jan 19,2022 | lindseek
Impact of a health literacy intervention combining general practitioner training and a consumer facing intervention to improve colorectal cancer screening in underserved areas: protocol for a multicentric cluster randomized controlled trial
Nov 13,2021 | lindseek
IMplementation and evaluation of the school-based family support PRogram a Healthy School Start to promote child health and prevent OVErweight and obesity (IMPROVE) – study protocol for a cluster-randomized trial
Nov 13,2021 | lindseek
Study protocol for a type III hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial of strategies to implement firearm safety promotion as a universal suicide prevention strategy in pediatric primary care
Nov 13,2021 | lindseek
Advancing mechanisms of implementation to accelerate sustainable evidence-based practice integration: protocol for generating a research agenda
Nov 13,2021 | lindseek
Embedding Learning in a Learning Health Care System to Improve Clinical Practice
Sep 23,2021 | lindseek
Implementing work-related Mental health guidelines in general PRacticE (IMPRovE): a protocol for a hybrid III parallel cluster randomised controlled tria
Sep 23,2021 | lindseek
Scaling Up Science-Based Care for Depression and Unhealthy Alcohol Use in Colombia: An Implementation Science Project
Sep 23,2021 | lindseek
Innovative cardiovascular primary prevention population-based strategies: a 2-year hybrid type 1 implementation randomised control trial (RCT) which evaluates behavioural change conducted by community champions compared with brief advice only from the SPICES project (scaling-up packages of interventions for cardiovascular disease prevention in selected sites in Europe and sub-Saharan Africa)
Sep 23,2021 | lindseek
Implementing nudges to promote utilization of low tidal volume ventilation (INPUT): a stepped-wedge, hybrid type III trial of strategies to improve evidence-based mechanical ventilation management
Sep 23,2021 | lindseek