Topical Area: Chronic Disease
Feasibility and acceptability of a peer youth led curriculum to improve HIV knowledge in Northern Tanzania: resilience and intervention experience from the perspective of peer leaders
Nov 13,2021 | lindseek
Systematically developing a family-based health promotion intervention for women with prior gestational diabetes based on evidence, theory and co-production: the Face-it study
Nov 13,2021 | lindseek
IMplementation and evaluation of the school-based family support PRogram a Healthy School Start to promote child health and prevent OVErweight and obesity (IMPROVE) – study protocol for a cluster-randomized trial
Nov 13,2021 | lindseek
Participation in methadone programs improves antiretroviral uptake and HIV viral suppression among people who inject drugs in Kenya
Sep 23,2021 | lindseek
Innovative cardiovascular primary prevention population-based strategies: a 2-year hybrid type 1 implementation randomised control trial (RCT) which evaluates behavioural change conducted by community champions compared with brief advice only from the SPICES project (scaling-up packages of interventions for cardiovascular disease prevention in selected sites in Europe and sub-Saharan Africa)
Sep 23,2021 | lindseek
Use of the socio-ecological model to explore factors that influence the implementation of a diabetes structured education programme (EXTEND project) in Lilongwe, Malawi and Maputo, Mozambique: a qualitative study
Sep 23,2021 | lindseek
Implementation of quality improvement coaching versus physician communication training for improving human papillomavirus vaccination in primary care: a randomized implementation trial
Sep 23,2021 | lindseek
Using Assisted Partner Services for HIV Testing and the Treatment of Males and Their Female Sexual Partners: Protocol for an Implementation Science Study
Jul 27,2021 | lindseek
Integrating hospital and community care: using a community virtual ward model to deliver combined specialist and generalist care to patients with severe chronic respiratory disease in their homes
Jul 27,2021 | lindseek
Barriers and Facilitators to Effective Implementation of the NAMWEZA Intervention in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Jun 7,2021 | lindseek