Topical Area: Organization/Delivery of Public Health Services
Implementation-effectiveness trial of an ecological intervention for physical activity in ethnically diverse low income senior centers
Jan 4,2018 | lindseek
Developing implementation strategies for firearm safety promotion in paediatric primary care for suicide prevention in two large US health systems: a study protocol for a mixed-methods implementation study
Aug 14,2017 | lindseek
Are general and strategic measures of organizational context and leadership associated with knowledge and attitudes toward evidence-based practices in public behavioral health settings? A cross-sectional observational study
Jul 10,2017 | lindseek
Reversing the pipeline? Implementing public health evidence-based guidance in english local government
Jul 10,2017 | lindseek
Adapting Current Strategies to Implement Evidence-Based Prevention Programs for Paraprofessional Home Visiting
Jun 5,2017 | jennifer
Drivers and Barriers for Adopting Accreditation at Local Health Departments for Their Performance Improvement Effort
Jun 5,2017 | jennifer
Modifications to ART service delivery models by health facilities in Uganda in promotion of intervention sustainability: a mixed methods study
May 4,2017 | jennifer
Improving physical activity program adoption using integrated research-practice partnerships: an effectiveness-implementation trial
Apr 6,2017 | jennifer
Implementing a Multipartner HPV Vaccination Assessment and Feedback Intervention in an Integrated Health System
Apr 6,2017 | jennifer
“During early implementation you just muddle through”: factors that impacted a statewide arthritis program’s implementation
Apr 6,2017 | jennifer