Topical Area: Chronic Disease
Development of an intervention to facilitate implementation and uptake of diabetic retinopathy screening
Jul 20,2020 | lindseek
Evaluating a multicomponent program to improve hypertension control in Guatemala: study protocol for an effectiveness-implementation cluster randomized trial
Jul 20,2020 | lindseek
We understand our community: implementation of the Healthy Eating Healthy Aging program among community-based organizations
Jul 20,2020 | lindseek
Personalising screening of sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy – qualitative evidence to inform effective implementation
Jul 20,2020 | lindseek
Using the RE-AIM framework to evaluate internal and external validity of mobile phone-based interventions in diabetes self-management education and support
May 28,2020 | lindseek
Developing implementation strategies to improve uptake of guideline-recommended treatments for individuals with familial hypercholesterolemia: A protocol
May 28,2020 | lindseek
Systems analysis and improvement approach to optimize the hypertension diagnosis and care cascade for PLHIV individuals (SAIA-HTN): a hybrid type III cluster randomized trial
May 28,2020 | lindseek
Addressing low-value pharmacological prescribing in primary prevention of CVD through a structured evidence-based and theory-informed process for the design and testing of de-implementation strategies: the DE-imFAR study
Mar 20,2020 | lindseek
Scale-up of the Kerala Diabetes Prevention Program (K-DPP) in Kerala, India: implementation evaluation findings
Mar 20,2020 | lindseek
Computerized clinical decision support system for diabetes in primary care does not improve quality of care: a cluster-randomized controlled trial
Mar 20,2020 | lindseek